Photo by Adam Haynes
Any student-athlete living within the Boise High School boundaries in grade 6 though 12.
Our Team fee is $250 per student-athlete, plus NICA/Idaho League fees in the amount $200, plus race registration fees and Team uniform costs.
More information about fees can be found at Fees.
The Boise Brave Mountain Bike team follows the schedule set by the Idaho Interscholastic Cycling League (IICL), who organizes and hosts the races. IICL is a fall cycling league, allowing us to start official practices on July 1st and ends 2 weeks after our State Championship Race, typically mid-October.
Registration opens April 1st.
Existing Team members will receive a request from the Team Director to start the registration process once registration opens, along with an invitation email from NICA to register via the NICA Pit Zone. The NICA invite comes from donotreply@nationalmtborg. If you cannot find this email, be sure to check your spam folder. If you did not receive it, check with the Team Director to make sure they invited you with the correct email address.
Upon receipt of your invite, click on the invitation link, follow the registration process, filling in all information. Make sure to sign the electronic waivers and pay your registration fees. You will not be Practice Ready until your waivers are signed, and your NICA, League and Team fees are paid.
If you would like to join the Team, you cannot register until you’ve received confirmation from the Team Director that space is available. Request to join by completing the 2025 NEW Student-Athlete Waitlist Form when it opens in mid-January each year. If space is available, you will receive a registration invite from the Team Director.
Practice Ready means you were invited to join the Team by the Team Director and have 1. Completed your registration information in the NICA Pit Zone; 2. Paid your NICA, League and Team fees; and 3. Signed your electronic waivers.
You know you are Practice Ready if when you login to the NICA Pit Zone you don’t see any messages about waivers or paying your NICA and/or League fees. You will also see under your “Rider Information” on the left hand side a note: Practice Ready: YES.
We practice three times per week. Generally in the pre-season summer months we practice on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. Once races start, practices change to Monday/Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings (on non-race weekends).
Fully functioning mountain bike
Helmet (watch How to Fit a Bike Helmet)
Water (minimum of one full water bottle for every hour of practice)
Bike Gloves
Any necessary medications (inhaler, epipen, etc)
Spare tube that fits their bike
Tire pump
Tire levers
Bike multi-tool
Calories (Clif Bar, PB&J, etc.)
A great attitude and sense of adventure!
We use TeamSnap to send emails and text alerts, share our Team schedule and to track other student-athlete requirements. Please take time to read all emails and text alerts sent by the Team through TeamSnap. It is extremely important that both student-athletes and parents participate in using TeamSnap.
To receive TeamSnap messages, please ensure that you are listed as a contact for your student-athlete, along with your email and mobile phone number. If you aren’t getting communications or unsure if you are listed as a contact for your student-athlete, please contact the Team Director, Carolyn Park, at carolyn@boisemtb.org.
The Boise Brave camps together at races. It is a great opportunity for team bonding and being part of the Boise Brave family. However, there are also often options for VRBO and Airbnb rentals, and hotels, generally within 30-miles of race venues. However, camping together as a team is often described as one of the best parts about being on the Boise Brave Mountain Bike Team and well worth the effort!