Volunteer Etiquette
Be on Time, Support the Climb! Be punctual and show some love for your fellow Brave Volunteers - they've got racers to cheer on too!
Wrap Up Your Shift and Save Social Hour for Later. Once your shift ends, please pass the baton instead of lingering, unless asked to stay. While we love catching up, avoid lingering just to chat with fellow volunteers, as it can unintentionally distract and clog up the works. Remember, it often only takes a few steps to move from the 'work zone' to the 'social zone'.
Is Your Presence Helping or Hurting? Spontaneous offers to jump into a shift can create logistical challenges, overwhelming our team leads with too much of a good thing at times. Please ask the lead if you're needed before assuming your presence is helpful.
Little Helpers. While we adore and most often very much appreciate the enthusiasm of young volunteers, their unplanned volunteerism can exceed our needs at times, leaving scheduled volunteers without tasks and feeling disheartened to learn they’re not needed due to a surplus of little helpers. Please ask the lead if their presence is helpful before assuming.
Leash Love - Keep the Boise Brave Vibes Fur-Friendly. While we love our furry friends, please don’t bring them to your volunteer shift and always keep them out of the Boise Brave camp kitchen, pit zone tent, and the racecourse. They must be on a leash everywhere else.
Need a Substitute? TeamSnap is your go-to tool if something comes up and you can't make it to your volunteer shift. Send a message to our community and find someone eager to step in. It's all about teamwork and ensuring we keep the wheels turning smoothly. Thanks for being proactive in finding a replacement!
Know When and Where: Get the App! For team volunteer shifts we use SignUp Genius for all our team’s volunteer needs. Download the SignUp Genius Mobile App to easily sign up and confirm when and where your volunteer shifts are on the fly.
Volunteer Tips
Hey awesome student-athletes! Your racing journey isn't just about crossing the finish line – it's also about getting in on the action off the racecourse and supporting your teammates and coaches!
Coaches are counting on you to help out and volunteer! We're calling on each of you to rock at least one hour of volunteering at each race you attend. Think post-race course takedown or rolling into our team and Idaho League (IICL) volunteer sign-ups.
Picture this: catching your buddies' bikes, doling out race towels and chocolate milk at the finish line, teaming up with the bike mechanic in the mechanic’s tent, and even getting in on the pit zone food and nutrition prep – it’s all awesome-sauce no matter how you slice it!
Embrace the #BraveWay! This is your chance to shine and make a real impact for your Boise Brave Mountain Bike Team!
Psst, are you old enough? While most volunteer shifts are a go for student-athletes, a few have that 18+ age restriction, so steer clear of those adult only shifts.
Remember, you're a big deal in contributing to your family's overall six-hour volunteer race commitment. So, go big and SEND IT!
Brave Volunteers
Joining our team as a Brave Volunteer at races is a fantastic way to help out! Don't worry if you're new - our seasoned volunteers are all over the place and are ready and available to teach you the ropes. Just grab a seasoned Brave Volunteer that looks like they know what’s up and start asking those burning questions!
How long are these gigs? Most Brave Volunteer shifts are slated for only about 2 hours.
Remember to check-in! Head to the Boise Brave pit zone tent to sign in for your shift(s).
Whether you volunteer for our team or the league, gear up for adventure! Pack like a pro with must-haves: a hat (Boise Brave is best), cozy layers, sunscreen for that radiant glow, a tasty snack, and your favorite water bottle. Remember, you can also opt for more protection and sign-up for shifts under a tent.
Get the App! We streamline the process with SignUp Genius for all our team’s race weekend volunteer needs. Download the SignUp Genius Mobile App to easily sign up for our team’s race weekend opportunities. Plus, it's the perfect tool to double-check your volunteer shifts on the fly.
So, get ready to roll into Boise Brave volunteering! Your volunteer spirit powers up coaches, team leads, and student-athletes for an unforgettable journey!
Bonus: it's the ultimate parent-fam connection party!
League Legends
In addition to Boise Brave volunteer shifts, the Idaho League (IICL) presents a myriad of positions waiting to be filled. With a team of our size, we're asked to contribute at least 25 volunteers to IICL each race.
The most sought-after league shifts fill up quickly as all teams attending a race are after them! Secure your favorite league shifts by signing up early at Get Race Day Ready!
Help us meet and track our commitment by not only signing up for league shifts but also adding your name to our internal tracker (League Pledge Tracker). If we already have 25 league volunteers for a given race, please opt to volunteer for our team instead.
Some league positions are just a couple of hours, while others can be up to 4+ hours, so pay attention to the time commitments when considering shifts.
If only 4-hour league shifts are left, no worries! Grab a friend or family member to job-share. Sharing a position with two or more people turns a 4-hour shift into a manageable 2 hours or less.
Dreaming of the best seats at the race? Sign up for the Race Marshal position, bring a chair, and enjoy one of the finest views on the course!
Looking to log some extra miles? Choose Course Take-Down, ride your bike around the course, and help dismantle markings.
Remember, on the day of the race sign in for league shifts at the NICA/Idaho League Volunteer Tent.
“Gearing up for this epic ride, we’re always stronger together! Thanks for jumping on board and supporting your fellow Boise Brave!”